Do you have a website or a blog and are looking for an SEO guide to get organic traffic? 

If yes, this article is going to be very helpful for you in this matter.

In 2020, more people are using websites than ever. It is one of the highly trusted business idea that work for most people.  

Knowledge of SEO and its application determines how your potential customers shop with you & prefer you over your competitor. 

All the trick lies in making it easy for the people to find your posts and this milestone can be achieved by Blog’s Search Engine Optimization techniques.

So, here are some killer tips that will bring tons of paying clients to your websites.

Frame Up The Perfect Site Structure

Want to attain SEO success? Organizing your content is the first step.

Keep your site structure as simple as possible and avoid going overboard for categories and subcategories. 

Products and blogs should be easily accessible and just a click away from your home page. Start your collections from simple categorizations and then dive deeper for subcategories. The “Blog” section of your website will clearly indicate that you are writing the posts and have the useful content for the people. 

The most important part?

Your site should also have an About Page and Contact Us page, it will enhance the clients’ satisfaction level as it will show your credibility.

Write SEO Optimized Collection Descriptions 

If you master the tactic of writing attractive, customer-focused, and SEO optimized product descriptions, it will not only rank your page for the specific keywords but also appear in relevant search results.

But we’re not finished yet. For example, if you have online store, you should know how to rank the products with product descfiptions. 

Each collection should include the alike products, for example, “Face Makeup” is the collection and you can write a solid SEO-optimized description for it. 

So, these collections are basically a chance to write engaging content to improve SEO.

The pro tip? 

If you add inter-links and improve on-site navigation, it will further enhance the SEO of your store. 

Optimize Your Web Pages

Now you’ve added videos, descriptions, and SEO optimized titles to your website, and you are done with interlinking and on-site navigation.

Here is the turn of the product description pages. It’s all about communicating effectively about the product. 

In the product pages, customers ask questions about the products. If you leave their questions unanswered, the potential customers will leave your site and abandon the idea of buying from your site.

You should have the tact of providing your product as the solution to their problems. But make sure to add the simplified information, as customers only skim.

Making a long story short, your product pages should be loaded with the reasons to add the product to the cart. 

If you will add the video, you are likely to get an 88% boost up in your sales.

Write Countless Posts About The Latest Breakthroughs

If you are ready to play even harder, then we suggest you write the posts on your own. You know better than anyone how important it is for you to clearly describe the latest technology updates to the target audience. Try to keep your content conversational, interesting, engaging, and comprehensive.

The best part?

It will also sound like you like the blogger authority. 

Moreover, when you write on your own, it will enhance your credibility and people will trust your words more than any other tech bloggers.

In this way, you can easily stand out among the competitors and enjoy the hard tech blogging. 

So do all the research on your own, record the effective videos, and then start writing every bit of the latest technological breakthrough.

Feature The Latest News

As a new tech blogger, you may not be able to feature the experts on your blog. But you have another option, and that is to talk about the latest tech news so the audience will rush to your blog for getting the latest updates.

This trick does wonder for 80% of the tech bloggers who cover the tech news most enticingly and attractively. 

Once your blog will get enough recognition, you can also feature the interviews of the expert tech bloggers. 

It is one of the proven and tried-and-tested ways to attract a mass audience to your blog.

Tech bloggers beware, do not use any false publicity stunts to attract the attention of the audience. Only use the products whose credibility is not questionable.

Add Unique Images and videos

Addition of copyright free images can give you a big plus. The Algortithm of the Google supports the websites that contain visual content. It makes sense, because if your posts do not contain enough visuals, people will not clearly understand what you are exactly talking about. 

As it is said: “A single image worth the thousand words” so the addition of the images not only makes your posts attractive and perfect but also improve their ranking. 

Make sure to add the ALT attributes in the images by putting keywords. 

Some tools that can help you in doing SEO on your posts

-Ahrefs Standard

– SEMRush Guru

– Grammarly Premium 

– Moz Pro

– Cognito

– LongTail Pro

– Woorank

– GTMetrix

– Google Page Speed Insights 


These tools are the best in the world and also give detailed and crystal clear SEO insights. Which helps you in On-Page (on-site) and Off-Page (off-page) SEO. By using these premium SEO tools, you can rank your website on no.1 on Google and beat your competitors quickly. 

Final Lines

The whole discussion revolves around maintaining your user flow and creating seamless user experiences. Once you’ll succeed in achieving these goals, you can swim in the sea of organic sales. Without the optimization of your posts, your site can never rank well, no matter what you post and sell. 

Kep ep in mind that unique content is the key to all success. 

So, when are you going to implement these short but fruitful SEO ideas for your posts?

Let us know in the comments below.